Just For You: A Restorative Yoga Class With Brittany Fay Of Wildish Ways


I did something on Sunday. Something just for me. I committed to 1 hour for myself to join my good friend, Brittany Fay, the founder and owner of Wildish Ways, on my yoga mat. She was starting Slow Down Sundays - a slow flow and yin style class focusing on helping moms and moms-to-be find time to breathe, open up and restore. I didn’t realize just how much I needed that time to myself, but my goodness, I left feeling so revived, present and at peace. After the class, I just knew that you could use this class too and it felt like the perfect follow up to my last post about anxiety. I have found yoga to be so therapeutic in finding my calm in the storm of life and Brittany is an instructor who pours her heart into her practice and her students. She leads with such love, intention and purpose, you can’t help but enjoy it! She is the first “Female Illuminator” that I am delighted to highlight! Starting a portion of the blog dedicated to lifting fellow female entrepreneurs up is something that I am crazy excited about and there’s not a better woman to start with.

Brittany and my paths crossed a few years ago when she was in search of a wedding planner and I had the extreme pleasure of planning her special day. (Isn’t she the most beautiful bride?!) One of my favorite celebrations of all time, it was genuine, heartfelt and down to earth just like Brittany and her hubby Robin. Fast forward to today, I’m so proud to watch her launch her dream - Wildish Ways. A holistic health coaching and yoga practice geared toward mothers.

Her company embodies her passion - genuine connection and care for others quality of life. With a toddler in tow and a first hand understanding of how challenging life as a mom can be, Brittany’s mission is this: “I help fellow moms and moms-to-be learn how to listen to their own body and find their unique mom groove. Through 1:1 coaching I support mamas as they rediscover their wilder wisdom so they can step into their most vibrant, true, and potent selves. Together we explore tools like joyful movement, mindfulness, and intuitive eating.” Brittany shared with me that her mission is to to help as many mamas as possible, because she believes that when mothers are in tune with themselves and empowered by their community they will move mountains. How can you not love her?! I know I sure do! When not teaching, you can find Brittany getting feisty about women’s health, chasing her toddler around and adventuring outside with her husband Robin. Her happy place is on the water and enjoying good food and drink with her people. She loves exploring the gray areas of life and isn’t much of a fan of sitting still. Fun fact - Brittany and Robin bought a little boat and dream of adventuring to Alaska one day!

She was so kind to share this recording of the class I enjoyed last Sunday exclusively with my readers so that you can do it too! I encourage you to also commit to one hour for yourself and try it. Your mind and body will be so glad you did! This is the first class of the series, so make sure to head to her events page to grab your tickets for the next class April 11th!About the class:

[From Brittany] The Slow Flow + Yin style class starts out with a gentle flow to get the wiggles out and then moves into restorative stillness that so many mamas are craving. All of my classes are rooted in self care and mindfulness practices to support physical and mental health. I also believe that yoga is also a great way to practice tuning into your body and honoring its unique needs, which I explore in depth with my coaching clients as well.

Connect with Brittany:

Website: Wildish Ways

Social: @wildish_ways

Email: brittany@wildishways.com

Head to class below! Happy flowing!

If you enjoy this class, there are still tickets available for the next class in this series April 11th! Hit the button below to snag yours!


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